Sunday, December 20, 2009

T'Was the Week Before Christmas

T'was the week before Christmas and all through the air,
Were concerns of the Democrats about passing health care,

The President called in his elves Nancy and Harry,
It's my signature initiative, the bill you must carry,

Nancy went back to the House and got her job done
Over in the Senate, for Harry less fun,

He needed sixty to make a bill go,
not just fifty plus vice President Joe,

Lieberman was a pill,
Byrd was out ill,
the Republicans wanted a filibuster fight,
It was a cold winter's night,

In to Harry's office came a Senator named Ben,
"I'll make him an offer" Harry thought, "I'll get his vote then",

O.K. Ben, your President needs a good deed,
come sit by the fire, what do you need?

"The states must pay more for Medicaid on this bill for health care,
I don't want my state to pay its share"

"Ho, Ho, Ho" said Harry, "consider it done",
"Hmm" thought Senator Ben "this could be fun"

"Wait" said Ben "there is something more,
You know it is abortion that I abhor
For the procedure I don't want the government to pay,
That's what I want for my vote, otherwise no way,
So give me the amendment, make the language tight
and you'll have my vote on this cold winter's night"

Harry said "that will be hard"
"Abortion is Barbara Boxer's calling card,

But she is here tonight, standing under the tree,
I will talk to her and we shall see"

Barbara exclaimed, "You have my vote Harry
I'll give it for free,
I am a Democrat from California,
I'll get re-elected easily"

Boomed Harry "call the White House, we have a deal!"
They setup the podium, hung the presidential seal,

Obama would announce it, who knows if they got it right,
The important thing is Harry had sixty votes on this cold winter's night,

The President proclaimed "I don't want to taunt,
I know this is a reform you don't really want
Incremental reforms, sure we had the capacity,
but did you read my book, I'm all about audacity,

So thanks to Harry, Nancy and me,
we have fixed health care, oh it's not free,
Your premiums will go up, your company may shut down,
that will just mean more work for us in this government town,

For now the government takeover is within our sight,
we have passed health care, Merry Christmas and good night."