Friday, April 9, 2010

Justice Clinton?

The President has another Supreme Court pick to make. This will not be a pick that upends the current conservative (5)/liberal (4) balance as Justice Stevens regularly voted with the liberal bloc. Still, as it seems anything the President does incites controversy on the left and right, this will be a delicate challenge.

I am certain the President is eagerly awaiting my advice,, so I will give it: nominate Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court.

Yes, she already has a job, but Barak Obama is really his own Secretary of State. He is the visible player on the world stage. Hillary is respected and I am sure her counsel is taken seriously, but the Democrats do not lack for foreign policy figures who could take over the State Department. John Kerry yearned for the job. Bill Richardson seems to have put his potential legal troubles behind him. The short list of successors is rather long.

Why would Hillary do it? In reality, she probably would not, but then again she did not want to be Secretary of State. It would probably be more appealing if the Chief Justice slot were available, but a Supreme Court seat is pretty prestigious nonetheless.

She would not be a trailblazer, there have already been two women appointed to the Court. She likely would not be the first female chief justice as John Roberts is younger than she is.

Still, the Supreme Court might be a fitting capstone to her career. Unlike her husband, Hilary Clinton actually practiced law. She has been First Lady, U.S. Senator, Secretary of State and capping it off with a seat on the Supreme Court would surely leave her mark on history.

What's in it for the President? First, she can probably be confirmed. Yes, Republicans on the right still go apoplectic at the mention of the name "Clinton", but the Senate confirmed her for Secretary of State. Second, as a former U.S. Senator, senatorial privilege would likely grease the skids for her confirmation. Third, she is qualified. A former lawyer, Senator and Secretary of State: hard to argue she should not have a seat on the Court.

Better yet, it would remove the Clintons from presidential politics once and for all. No, she will not challenge President Obama in 2012, but if his political standing is weak, there may be those who try to persuade him to step aside, opening the door for a Hillary revival. If she were on the Supreme Court, she would not run and the option of pushing the President aside for Hillary would be off the table. Although a Clinton candidacy in 2016 seems remote, it is not out of the question and she would be battling whomever is President Obama's preferred successor for the Democratic nomination (an early guess: he won't be backing Joe "F'ing big Deal" Biden). Presidential politics without the Clintons? Yes, it would be a lot less entertaining, but the Democratic Party and the Country would likely benefit.

I am sure the list for this nomination will include several liberal judges and attorneys. I think the best way for a confirmation is to nominate Hilary Clinton.

You are welcome Mr. President. Next we'll discuss an ambassadorship for "F'ing" Biden.