Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bush v. Clinton: The Dodgers and the Yankees of American Politics

One thing baseball and politics have in common is that certain names, or "brands", are almost always more interesting.  A Japanese pitcher might come to the U.S. at a cost of $100 million, who might be involved? The Dodgers and the Yankees.  At the recent winter meetings one of the big topics was whether the Dodgers would trade an outfielder.  Isn't the Alex Rodriguez mess more intriguing because it involves the Yankees?
Oh, but the Red Sox and the Cardinals played in the World Series? How quaint. Now get me some Dodgers or Yankees news.
Politics is much the same. Soon we will be entering the "exploratory" phase of the 2016 presidential campaign.  Sure, there is the sitting vice president who has run twice before.  Yes, there is a Latino Senator from Florida who may make a bid, but who are we interested in? The two current name brands of U.S. politics: Clinton and Bush.
Yes, they may be back and, for the sake of our entertainment, let's hope so.  While both Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are more than qualified to be President, that is not really important.  What is important is a 2016 rematch.  It's the Dodgers and Yankees in the World Series. Yes, we've seen it before, but we want more.
Some may say a 2016 Clinton-Bush election won't be a brutal battle. Bush 41 and Bill Clinton have become friends. Jeb Bush once jokingly referred to Bill Clinton as his "brother from another mother". George W. Bush cracked that his father was at Bill Clinton's bedside following heart surgery. Jeb even annoyed some Republicans by giving an award to Hillary Clinton. While the Clinton/Bush friendship has been a bipartisan and heartwarming story that has raised millions for charity, we want the rematch.
What a rematch it would be.  These families have had the White House. Like the Dodgers and the Yankees, they know the joy of winning and the agony of watching the other guys celebrate.
And let's face it, Bill Clinton has issues.  He still hasn't gotten over impeachment (hopefully he's over Monica).  Then President Obama beats Hillary in 2008 and many people blame Bill. Hillary being elected President would be verification, vindication, and validation. 
The Bushes? Well, Barbara Bush did say that the country has had enough Bushes, but have we really? Even if we have, wouldn't it be fun to come back to the White House after George W. Bush left with an approval rating in the 20s?
Think of the campaign sidebar stories. Will Bill behave himself and not act as though he is the candidate?  Will Jeb even be seen with his brother?  How many great one liners will Barbara Bush let fly?
The Dodgers and Yankees. The Bushes and the Clintons. Let's face it: we want to see it again. 

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