Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pop Culture President

President Obama went on the Tonight Show this week in an effort to connect with pop culture and sell his economic program. The interview went fairly well unless you are a Special Olympian. If the President can otherwise hold his tongue and minimize the shots at those less fortunate than he, he might try to appear on some other popular shows to sell his program.
For instance, how about a guest shot on an episode on "CSI:NY"? The investigative team could be examining the books of a fictional large financial services company to try and figure out where all the bailout money went. The President could show up to briefly encourage the investigators on their quest and pledge that his Treasury Secretary will provide them with any help they need. The scene could get dramatic when one of the characters offhandedly says they are still looking at Secretary Geithner's tax returns.
To keep up his appeal to younger voters, he could drop by "90210". He could speak to an assembly at West Beverly High and explain why all of their parents need to pay more in taxes. There will be an awkward moment in the Q&A portion when one of the characters chastises the President for not supporting Speaker Pelosi's condom distribution program in the stimulus bill (as I understand the show, condoms are something the characters need quite a bit). Still, the President ends up winning sustained applause from the kids at West Beverly.
He could then do a turn on the "Celebrity Apprentice". The Donald could assign each of the teams with the task of designing a plan to stabilize the banking system and the President picks the one he likes best. Somebody will get fired.
I think a cameo on "NCSI" might work to burnish his military credentials. The Navy investigative team could be called to the White House so the President can explain why he is no longer calling our guests at Guantanamo Bay "enemy combatants". While they are there the President can explain why he wants military members to pay for more of their own health care.
Lastly, I think an appearance on the final episode of "ER" is in order. The President could arrive, explain his health care program, heal all of the sick in the hospital leaving the show's characters with nothing to do as the final credits roll.
We now have a President who uses pop culture as no President has before. He can be everywhere and everything. Happy viewing America!

1 comment:

Eschew Obfuscation said...

In your prior post "The Speech" you showed a need for the president to reassure Americans. I think the "pop culture" tour was an obvious effort on the part of the president to have his message heard beyond those who would tune into a speech.