Sunday, April 26, 2009

They just can't quit him

Many posts ago I wondered what the left would do without George W. Bush to kick around. For eight years they have had a foil, but the 2008 election has put the left solidly in charge of the federal government. It seems however, that the left just can't get over him.
All of this really goes back to the Florida recount in 2000. The left never accepted George W. Bush winning that election. Although recount after recount by their allies in the media ultimately showed that he did, the left still refused to accept that result. As close as it was, maybe that is understandable.
Then George Bush became a wartime President and the left hates the use of military force.
Then George Bush won again in 2004 and the left tried to spin stories of 'stolen" election in Ohio, even though the margin of victory was over 100,000 votes.
Happiness should have come in 2008 as the most liberal Democratic nominee in a generation won the White House. The left however seems to be signing the Rolling Stones' "I can't get no satisfaction..I try and I try...".
First President Obama embarked on a course of using the phrase "inherited this mess" at least ten times before we had finished our morning coffee. Politically, he needs to remind people that things were tough when he got there. I wonder however, if we combed through Lincoln's speeches in 1861 would we find him using the phrase "inherited this mess"? Different times call for different styles of "leadership", I suppose.
Then the President issued a series of high profile executive orders changing Bush policies. That is his prerogative, he won.
Finally, President Obama ignores the advice of his CIA Director (and several past Directors and intelligence leaders) and begins declassifying Bush era memos on interrogation techniques. Then he was against prosecution before he was for it. It is this element of the left's obsession with Bush that is the most dangerous.
Now it looks like we will have the left engaged in investigations, "truth commissions" and efforts to continue to hammer away at George W. Bush for years to come. They just can't quit him.
One thing President Obama should think about during his next conference call with Moveon.Org (a name that is getting real ironic): all Presidents and their staffs leave someday. The business of running, and protecting, the country sometimes is a little unseemly. The Bush era "truth commissions" of today, might be the Obama era truth commissions of 2013 or 2017.

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