Thursday, September 11, 2008


Seven years has gone by like the blink of an eye, still it seems like yesterday. They don't show the planes hitting the towers on TV anymore, but we remember.
Today is a day to remember. On that day we saw the worst the world has to offer and the best America has to offer. People giving their lives to help others. Incredible bravery. We remember.
I can remember going to bed that night wondering what would happen the next day. I still look at airplanes and think of the horror that must have existed inside as those planes became flying missiles, yet people were calm enough to call loved ones. I dropped my son off at school today and thought of the school field trip aboard one of the flights. I sit at my desk and think of the workers in the office towers sitting at theirs that morning. Yes, we remember.
There were the passengers of Flight 93 who took it upon themselves to save the U.S. Capitol building and crash the plane in a field. We remember.
Firefighters rushed into burning buildings and helped people come out, but many of them did not. We remember. Police officers and soldiers trying to save lives before their own life was lost. We remember.
There will come a day when nobody living has an independent remembrance of 9/11. Nobody remains from Gettysburg. Their are fewer and fewer from Pearl Harbor. Like those events, 9/11 will be a part of history recalled only through pictures, films and books. Like those events however, America must always remember.
If you have not thought today about how luck you are to live in this country, remember. If you have not hugged a loved one today remember to. On this solemn day, remember.

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