Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to Baseball and Manny

When last I wrote of the Dodgers they were fading fast, now the lead the division by 4 1/2 games at the beginning of play today (they lost today so that may have changed).
What happened? Well, it helps when your rival loses six in a row and otherwise goes into the tank, but the Dodgers have kicked it in to high gear.
This year will be remembered as "The Year of Manny". Actually it is a little less than half a year, but what a time it has been. Manny Ramirez has completely turned things around for the Dodgers. His bat in the middle of the lineup changes the way pitchers approach the Dodgers. It impacts the pitches seen by the guys batting in front of and behind him.
You stop what you are doing to watch his at bats.
What is more fun however is Manny the character. He wears his hair way too long. He selected a bizarre uniform number. Any ball hit towards him in left field is an adventure. Yet, he always seems to have a smile on his face and be enjoying himself.
As professional sports has gone more and more "corporate", Manny is a breath of fresh air. Yes, he cares a lot about the money, but he admits it. Yet, he is not the cold, efficient type a la Alex Rodriguez. He does not appear to be the standoffish type like Barry Bonds. He just seems to show up, play and have fun.
Make no mistake though, he is deadly serious with a bat in his hands. Watch him work a count and then hit a two strike pitch over the right field wall. It is as if he got the pitcher exactly where he wanted him with the two strike count instead of vice versa. The man knows what he is doing. It is obvious he studies, learns and takes advantage. He is a true pro.
Will Manny take the Dodgers to the World Series? We'll see. Will he be a Dodger in 2009? Who knows. For two months however, he has given us plenty of thrills. Thanks Manny, it's fun.

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