Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Opening Day

Today is my children's first day of school. The first day of school is a lot like Opening Day of the baseball season. The stadium is cleaned up and fresh, so is the school. We see old friends whom we have been missing for several months. Hope and optimism abounds for the year ahead (except in Kansas City...where the Royals have no hope, not their schools).
The kids are like the players. My oldest is starting his third year at the school. He is a veteran, although not yet a long time veteran. He knows his way around, knows how things work and sees many familiar faces.
My youngest is starting kindergarten. He is a rookie. It is all brand new. His eyes will be wide and there will certainly be a few butterflies. He will need guidance and will have to get used to the rigors of a longer season i.e. school five days a week.
The school year evolves much like a baseball season. It is long and there are unexpected developments along the way. The kids have "slumps" e.g. a bad test result or a behavior issue and they hit for the cycle (a big red "100%" across the top of the test). People come and go much as baseball players are traded or released. There are special events and the dog days. As the year winds down everyone looks forward to a break, but also starts to think about next year.
The school year, like a great baseball season, also produces many memories that stay with us forever. We all remember that special teacher or our friends from those days much as we remember the great moments of seasons past.
Sometimes there is adversity: a difficult teacher or a bully on the playground, but we learn to overcome it and move forward. Some seasons your team or star player just doesn't have it, but you play the games anyway. Remember, next year will be better.
So today is Opening Day. The players/kids are nervous but ready. The fans/parents are optimistic and hopeful. The grass is freshly cut and the paint touched up. Play ball!

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