Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama's "I'm winning Speech"

With the polls showing Obama pulling ahead, I was wondering if he might be starting to feel comfortable with the idea of winning. What if he used that airtime he has bought on all the networks (delaying a World Series game, really?) to say something like this:

"My fellow Americans, the polls are showing that I am going to win. We are pulling ahead in many places and I have Acorn out there working where it is tight, so we should pick up enough votes to get by. Let's face it, I'm booking hotels for family and friends on Inauguration Day.
So I thought I might tell you what America will be like under my Administration.
First, we are not changing the name. When I was over in France and Germany, I heard a lot about how they don't like America, but the seem to like me, so I think we're o.k. keeping the name as long as I am President.
Second, much has been said about my desire to meet with foreign leaders, including some dictators who want to blow up our friends and allies. For guidance, I look back on my experience at the Harvard Law Review. Sometimes we were not sure about publishing something, so we would sit down over some coffee and talk it out. We always ended up reaching a consensus. I think the same approach can be made to these so called rogue dictators. I can persuade them through the rationality of my arguments that they really do not want to exterminate us or our allies and that it really would be bad for them to have nuclear weapons.
Also, a lot has been said about my inexperience on foreign policy. That's why I picked Joe Biden to be my Vice President and all of you bought it. I can promise you this, when I am in the White House and that phone rings at 3:00 a.m., we will, sometime the next day, or maybe the day after that, call Joe Biden and let him know the phone rang. He'll be invaluable to me.
I have said 95% of you will get a tax cut. Now my opponent points out that 30% of those people don't pay any taxes at all. He is right, but those folks will just get a check from the government. I would hope they will use it to pay rent or buy food, but there are some pretty good deals out there on flat screen TVs. If you blow it on a flat screen, don't worry, we'll give you another check the next year.
As to those of you whose taxes are going up, let's face it you make too much money. I had a fundraiser out in LA and some of you paid literally thousands of dollars to hear me speak and Barbara Streisand sing. That is truly disposable income and if you have that kind of disposable income, I need it. Hope and change isn't free, but if you have the money for Streisand tickets, you can afford buy some hope and change.
By the way, my tax plan actually does give you a credit for buying Streisand tickets so you really get a tax break. It's those suckers that buy the expensive seats at Big N Rich concerts and NASCAR races that are going to pay through the nose.
Once I have your money what am I going to do with it? I want you to know that your money will be managed carefully and practically. Any government benefit program will have strict application procedures and guidelines. We will be very careful to make sure that anyone who benefits from the government thinks the way we want them to think, acts the way we want them to act, employs the people we want them to employ and says only what we think should be said.
What do I hope to accomplish with my plans and new programs? I want to remove personal choice and responsibility from the equation. People will not have to be burdened with the consequences of their actions. Your government, and that rich 5%, will bear those burdens for you.
So, to those of you who are going to vote for me, I thank you. To those of you who don't exist, yet were registered to vote for me, I thank you as well. I look forward to being your President for the next four years, don't worry about a thing, I am going to take care of everything."

Ah, the thrill of victory.

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