Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ditching work, Part 2

And the other shoe fell.
Turns out Governor Sanford was not just playing hooky, he was off visiting a "dear friend" i.e. girlfriend in Argentina. He and his wife are sort of separated, although it is hard to tell from their public statements where things stand. We seem to have another of those ironic situations where the Governor has moved out of the Governor's mansion. He may not be back until his successor unveils the official portrait.
Running for President is out of the question. The question I have is: did he think he could break it off with the mistress, reconcile with the wife and then run for President of the United States and nobody would notice? I do not know whether that is arrogance of the highest degree or sheer cluelessness. Either way, those "Sanford for President" buttons are now officially collector's items.

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