Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My favorite team

It's not the Dodgers, although they qualify as my favorite baseball team. It's the Clintons.
Let's go back a ways. 1992 blond bombshell shows up, says she had an affair with the Governor of Arkansas, Hillary jumps to his defense, finishes the New Hampshire primary as the comeback kid.
1998, affair with an intern producing the most memorable sound bite of that Administration ("I did not have..." I think you know the rest). Hillary jumps to his defense ("vast right wing conspiracy"). Stays in office, survives the scandal.
2000, getting ready to move out of the White House, faced with the prospect of losing power, Hillary, with help from Bill wins a Senate seat from New York establishing a new power base.
2008, Hillary loses the Democratic nomination, seemingly ending the Clinton dynasty. Barack Obama now appears to be ready to name her Secretary of State.
Is there anything that can stop these people? They are the indestructible force of American politics. Two Bushes have come and gone, yet the Clintons remain. Al Gore is making movies, yet the Clintons remain. Johnny Carson was hosting the Tonight Show when the Clintons first arrived on the national scene, Conan O'Brien takes over next year, the Clintons outlasted Jay Leno!
I do not agree with a lot of their politics, but I have to hand it to the Clintons: they have an amazing capacity for staying relevant and staying in power. As Secretary of State, Hillary will be on the world stage. Bill will globe trot at her side. They will be in our living rooms for another four years. America's longest running soap opera continues.
Think about it. The Adams' presidencies were 2o years apart. The Roosevelts were gone after twelve plus years. The Clintons have played a leading role in American politics for 16 years and it will be 20 by the next campaign. Also, I don't believe for a moment that Hillary has given up on being President, those "Hillary 2016" bumper stickers are in boxes somewhere.
They are America's longest running drama and possibly its most fascinating. I tip my hat to them.

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