Monday, November 3, 2008

What Will They Do?

If Barack Obama is elected on Tuesday, there is one segment of the economy whose future I am very concerned about: liberal commentators and pseudo-journalists of the left.
Think about it: they have had a foil for eight years in George W. Bush. They could go on night after night and rail about the Iraq War, Katrina, and Gitmo. They mock his speech patterns and syntax. When they were done with him, they had Dick Cheney.
Will they mock Obama? Or will Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart spend their shows like new parents with a brand new baby: adoring every move and every sound?
Will there be verbal slips by Obama that will be repackaged, cut up and taken out of context for comedy purposes or will they just be getting, as Chris Matthews said, a "tingle" down their leg whenever he speaks?
Will their be books suggesting sinister machinations behind the scenes at the White House from disgruntled staffers? Of course there will. Will those authors find themselves welcome to promote their books on The Daily Show, Countdown or Hardball or will they suddenly be authors whose credibility is to be questioned?
The left wing media has worked awfully hard for this moment. They trashed Hillary Clinton. John McCain used to be their favorite Republican until he emerged as Obama's opponent, then he stood in the way of the coronation so they trashed him. They can taste victory.
But what will they do when George W. is really gone?

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