Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Winter Ball

Now that we have gotten through the Election, it is time to focus on what really matters: the winter moves of our favorite teams.
Here in LA the big story is Manny Ramirez. Will he be back? It is not looking good. The Dodgers made a two year offer, but Manny's agent seems to want six. Manny is 36 years old and already defensively challenged. While I do not doubt that Manny can hit into his 40s, the thought of a 42 year old Manny Ramirez trying to catch up to a ball hit towards the gap in left field ought to frighten any current or future Dodger pitcher. I say three years for Manny with maybe an option for a fourth, otherwise it was fun and enjoy New York.
The other big free agent is C.C. Sabathia with the Dodgers, Angels, Yankees and a few others supposedly having interest. The price tag is rumored to be in the 6 year $120 million range. I just don't get that. Yes, pitching wins championships, but the reality is a good starting pitchers only take the mound 35 times a year. 20 game winners are becoming a thing of the past, so the best produce 15-20 wins. Even that requires timely hitting and a good bullpen in the era of the six inning "quality start".
Also, does anyone honestly believe C.C. Sabathia will not have an injury in the next six years? I remember the Dodgers giving Kevin Brown a $100 million contract at age 34 and proudly bragging that he had never been on the disabled list, so they had no concerns about paying him through age 41. Brown promptly spent much of the next seven years on the disabled list.
A $100 million dollar investment in a pitcher just makes no sense unless you can get Congress to appropriate the funds (which they likely would do...oops overlapping topics again!).
As the winter progresses we will enjoy the game of musical chairs played by our favorite players. Someone will lose out on a free agent that they want and try to make up for it by giving a second tier free agent first tier money (hello, Brad Penny, Derek Lowe). We will hear some player say he had to change teams because the $50 million he was offered by his former team was not enough and he has to "take care of my family". Someone else will announce that it is "not about the money, but about getting to the World Series", probably as he signs with the Texas Rangers.
Yes, winter ball is here.

1 comment:

Eschew Obfuscation said...

How much money do we have to pay Andruw Jones not to show up for work?

THAT's addition by subtraction.

CC is worth the money. He is younger and better than Brown.

Manny is worth the money in sales of Dodger Blue dreadlock caps alone.